[ENG - ME] I introduce myself

This is about kinda me


2 min read




> Hello_world!

I'm Matt, a Computer Scientist who graduated in October 2019 and works, in the IoT business, for more or less three years. I'm passionate about so many things that if I start to list'em all I can talk for hours...

" I don't actually do anything...But you already knew that, didn't you? "

I have a fever now and this is the perfect time for starting something new. Actually, I wanted to enjoy the content creation world for a long time but my shyness, workforce life, life's problems, and a lot of meaningless excuses have always blocked me.


It's very difficult for me to start this new "thing" because:

  1. I'm new in content creation/blogging, and...

So, if you are wondering:

Why are you doing this?

The answer is...

I don't know.

I'm joking of course...

I wanna do something new going out of my comfort zone...I wanna learn to blog and I wanna improve my English.

So...Be kind to me, but most of all, take me every possible piece of advice that can teach me something new! About English too... I'll be very thankful!


I'll talk about programming languages, new projects, technologies and, most of all, the IoT world. I'll start every article specifying the language and the topic so that it will be difficult for you to read something that you don't wanna read about.

So...that's all...I hope to help you with my publications and...

> Let's_adventure_in_this_new_world!
> See_yooouuuu_sooooooon!